
Waste to Energy Programme

Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial, Agricultural Wastes/ Residues


The objective of the programme is to support the setting up of Waste to Energy projects for generation of Biogas/ BioCNG/ Power/ producer or syngas from urban, industrial and agricultural wastes/residues.


FY 2021-22 upto FY 2025-26

Salient Features

  • The programme provides Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to project developers and service charges to implementing/inspection agencies in respect of successful commissioning of Waste to Energy plants for generation of Biogas, Bio-CNG/enriched Biogas/Compressed Biogas, Power/ generation of producer or syngas.
  • Financial assistance available under the Programme for setting up Waste to Energy plant is as follows:
  • BioCNG/Enriched Biogas/ Compressed Bio Gas-
  • a) Rs 4.0 Cr per 4800 kg/day (for BioCNG generation from new biogas plant)
  • b) Rs 3.0 Cr per 4800 kg/day (for BioCNG generation from existing Biogas plant*)
  • (Maximum CFA of Rs. 10.0 Cr/project for both cases.)
  • Power (based on Biogas):
      1. a) Rs 0.75 Cr/MW (for power generation from new biogas plant)
      2. b) Rs 0.5 Cr /MW (for power generation from existing Biogas plant)
      3. (Maximum Central Financial Assistance (CFA) of Rs. 5.0 Cr/project for both cases)
      4. Power based on bio & agro-industrial waste (other than MSW through incineration process): Rs 0.4 Cr/MW (maximum CFA of Rs. 5.0 Cr/project)
      5. Biomass Gasifier for electricity/thermal applications:
      6. a) Rs. 2,500 per kWe with dual fuel engines for electrical application
      7. b) Rs. 15,000 per kWe with 100% gas engines for electrical application
      8. c) Rs. 2 lakh per 300 kWth for thermal applications.
      9. The eligible Central Financial Assistance (CFA) would be 20% higher for plants set up in Special Category States/UTs (NE Region, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh , Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands), and Biomethanation plants set up in registered Gaushala/Shelter.
      10. Service charge @1% of total Central Financial Assistance (CFA) (minimum of Rs 50,000/-) would be provided for both Implementing Agency and Inspection Agency.
      11. Application to be accepted through online portal only.
      12. Projects with loan from Bank/FI, and Self-financed projects are considered.
      13. Recommendation of Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) will be mandatory only for self-financed projects.
      14. SCADA System/remote monitoring system has been mandated for WTE projects except in the case of Biomass Gasifiers.
      15. The amount of Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to be disbursed for the WTE projects will be calculated based on the performance the projects.
      16. Provision of providing advance Central Financial Assistance (CFA) for bank financed BioCNG projects under SATAT Initiative has been included.
      17. IREDA has been designated as the Implementing Agency.

    How to avail the financial assistance

    The proposal for grant of “In-Principle” approval of Central Financial Assistance (CFA) will be accepted through BioURJA Portal ( before commissioning of the Waste to Energy (WTE)  plant.

    For projects with debt/loans from FIs/Banks, the Ministry shall issue an “In-Principle” approval with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Department(IFD) and approval of Secretary, MNRE.

    For projects without debt/loan or projects the Implementation Agency shall examine and put up the applications to Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) following which the Ministry shall issue an “In-Principle” approval with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Department(IFD) and approval of Secretary, MNRE.

    • The time period for commissioning is 24 months for Waste to Energy (WTE) plants and 12 months for Biomass Gasifiers from the date of “In-Principle” approval.
    • CFA to be awarded for Waste to Energy plants, based on the performance of the project for at least three consecutive months, may be seen below-
    Average PLF achieved during minimum 3 consecutive months % of eligible Central Financial Assistance (CFA)
    ≥80% 100%
    ≥ 60% and < 80% 80%
    ≥ 50% and < 60% 60%
    <50% 0%

    The condition of successful commissioning for Biomass gasifier would imply operation of the Gasifier for atleast 3 consecutive months, including continuous operation for at least 3 consecutive days at an average PLF of 60% of rated capacity (taking 12 Hrs per day as standard operating hours).

    Whom to contact

    Director, Waste to Energy Division (Sh. Aseem Kumar, Director)

    Relevant Documents

    Existing Scheme-

    Old/Expired Scheme-