- Testing Procedure for Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System(1 MB, PDF)
- Hot and Cold weather profile for SPV pump system(13 KB, PDF)
- Guidelines on “Design Specifications, Performance Guidelines, and Testing Procedure for Solar Cold Storage with Thermal Energy Storage Backup”(2 MB, PDF)
- Specifications for Solar Street Lights and Solar Study Lamps – specifying minimum performance parameters for batteries (581 KB, PDF)
- Updated Specification and Testing procedure for the Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) Water Pumping System and Universal Solar Pump Controller (USPC)(22/03/2023, 2.5MB, PDF)
- Specification of 12 W LED Solar Street Lights(525 KB, PDF)
- Technical specifications for Solar Photovoltaic Lighting Systems & Power Packs(1 MB, PDF)
Benchmark Cost
- Updated Specification and Testing procedure for the Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System and USPC (03/02/2023, 2 mb, PDF)
- Amendment in Benchmark costs for off-gird and Decentralized Solar PV Systems for the years 2021-22 -reg.(278 KB, PDF)
- Benchmark costs for Off-grid and Decentralized Solar PV Systems for the year 2021-22 reg(791 KB, PDF)
- Benchmark costs for Off-grid Solar PV Systems for FY 2020-21-reg(1 MB, PDF)
- Benchmark costs for Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plants for the Year 2019- 20 -reg(100 KB, PDF)
- Benchmark costs for Off-grid Solar PV Systems and Solarisation of Grid Connected Agricultural Pumps for the Year 2019-20(997 KB, PDF)