
Association of Renewable Energy Agencies of States (AREAS)

Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) is the nodal agency at the central level for promotion of grid-connected and off-grid renewable energy in the country. Ministry’s programmes are implemented in close coordination with State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) for renewable energy (RE). Over the period the SNAs have developed considerable knowledge and experience in planning and implementation of RE programmes. In this background it is important that SNAs interact and learn from each other’s experiences and also share their best practices and knowledge regarding technologies and schemes/programmes.

MNRE took an initiative in this regard in consultation with SNAs, and Association of Renewable Energy Agencies of States (abbreviated as “AREAS) has been formed and registered as a society on 27 August 2014 under Society Registration Act 1860.

Hon’ble Union Minister in-charge of New & Renewable Energy is the Ex-Officio Patron of the Association and Secretary, MNRE is the ex-officio President of the Association. All SNAs are the member of the Association.

Transaction of business of the AREAS to be carried out by an Executive Committee (EC) which is presided over by the President of the AREAS. Vice President to be elected by the members and Joint Secretary, MNRE to be the ex-officio member of EC. In addition, Executive Director, two SNAs from each zone (North, South, East, West and North-East, and UTs) are also members of the Executive Committee.

Under AREAS the following three Standing Committees are constituted:

  1. Standing Committee on Technology and Resource Assessment
  2. Standing Committee on Policy and Finance
  3. Standing Committee on IT & IMS

AREAS has been granted registration on 25th July 2016, as General Public Utility Trust/Society u/s 12AA(1)(b) read with section 12A of the Income Tax act, 1961 to allow for its exemption from taxation. It has also received approval u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 on 25th July 2016 to allow for specified tax benefit to Donors. These exemptions/benefits are valid from Annual Year 2016-17 onwards.

Contact Person
Sh. J. K. Jethani
Executive Director(I/C)
Association of Renewable Energy Agencies of State
C/o. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003, India.
Telephone: 011- 20849116
Website :
Email : areas-delhi[at]gov[dot]in